Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Essential Oils and Depression

Essential Oils and Depression


Dilute oil of choice (as listed above) as recommend and massage into skin.
Diffuse (undiluted) into the air or add 1 drop to a cotton ball or tissue and inhale deeply.
*Family does NOT require additional dilution and CANNOT be used in a diffuser.

o   Depression often brings feelings of fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and a lack of enjoyment of things you normally find pleasurable. Mild depression keeps you from functioning well and feeling your best, but with treatment, symptoms usually subside. If depression persists despite natural treatments, seek professional help immediately (Althea, 118).

Additional information:

Rosemary is an energizing oil to relieve depression (Price 230).

Frankincense will help with immune deficiency and depression, add 1 drop to a glass of water (Schnaubelt 133).

Grapefruit is used to help with postnatal depression (Price 249).

Juniper, cypress, frankincense, ginger, lavender, and rosemary are essential oils classified as a neurotonic and energizing, said to relieve depression and stimulate the mind. (Price, 230).

Resting oil may help with anxiety, overactive and hard-to-manage children, snoring, sleep walking, stress, insomnia, depression, relaxation, and eases tension.

Blend for a specific use:

Apathy/ Helplessness:
Grapefruit 15 drops
Rosemary  10 drops
Lavender    5 drops
(Worwood, 86)

Althea Press. Essential Oils, Natural Remedies: The Complete A-Z Reference of Essential Oils for Health and Healing. (2015).
Price, Shirley & Len. Aromatherapy for Health Professionals. (2012).
Schnaubelt, PhD., Kurt. The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils. (2011).

Worwood, Valerie. The complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy. (1991).