Thursday, June 18, 2015

Warts and Essential Oils

Warts:  FrankincenseClarifyArmorOreganoCinnamon BarkCloveCypressLavender, Lemon.
Application ideas:
Dilute oil of choice as recommend and apply on location.

Warts are small round tumors of the skin, caused by a virus infection.
The medical term for this is verrucae.

If the affected person is a child under 12 years of age, it is crucial to dilute the essential oils beforehand.  In the case of treating warts, it is recommended to dilute your essential oils in apple cider vinegar for maximum effectiveness.

If you suffer from either recurrent or a large number of warts, your immune system may need help and you should consult a health-care practitioner. (Purchon, 328)

Recommended: Apply one drop of chosen essential oil (that has been diluted first) to the center of the wart and cover with a bandage.  Repeat this twice daily until the wart is gone. Antiviral essential oils are recommended and are mentioned in our additional research below:

"A very simple and effective local treatment is to use [tea tree essential oil] neat, directly on the wart.  Take a single drop of [tea tree essential oil] on the end of a toothpick or orange stick, and drop it on to the center of the wart.  Put a dry cover over the wart and keep it covered. This treatment should be repeated every day until the wart shrivels and drops off.  Some warts will dissappear in less than a week, and others may take up to a month to do so." (Davis, 310)

Antiviral essential oils that show promise when used for warts are cinnamon bark, lemon and lime. (Price, 90-91)

Combine 10 drops lemon essential oil and 5 drops cypress essential oil with 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar.  Put all three ingredients into a glass container with lid and shake well to combine. Using a cotton ball, apply to the wart twice a day, avoiding the unaffected skin. (Worwood, 191)

This article in Natural News suggests the use of tea tree, clove, lavender or frankincense essential oils among other suggestions for natural treatments.

Davis, Patricia. Aromatherapy an A-Z. (2000), p. 310
Price, Shirley & Price, Len. Aromatherapy for Health Professionals, Fourth Edition. (2012). p. 90-91
Purchon, Nerys & Cantele, Lora. The Complete Aromatherapy & Essential Oils Handbook for Everyday Wellness. (2014). p. 328
Worwood, Valerie. The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy. (1991). p. 191