Sunday, February 1, 2015

Essential Oil Cautions

We feel that it is extremely important for oil users to be aware of the cautions that should be taken regarding the use of essential oils in your daily life. It is our goal to help our customers use essential oils safely. Now you will have all cautions in one place. The oils are listed alphabetically in two different sections: Singles and Blends. 

Common cautions for ALL essential oils: 
*If for any reason you get essential oils in your eyes, put carrier oil along the eyebrows above the eyes and on the cheekbones below the eyes. 
*Do not put essential oils inside your ear canal.

Anise oil is potentially carcinogenic based on estragole content. 
May inhibit blood clotting. 
Avoid using if pregnant or breastfeeding. 
Avoid using if you have or have had an estrogen-dependent cancer. 
Avoid using at all on children under 5 years old. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Can irritate sensitive skin and has been known to cause dermatitis in some individuals. 
Use in moderation.
Avoid using this oil orally if you have any of the following medication contraindications: Diabetes medicines, diuretics, renal insufficiency, edematous disorders, anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, and other bleeding disorders. 

Not intended for internal use for children under 6 years of age. Use in greater dilution with children over 6 years old. 
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 
Can irritate sensitive skin. 

Not intended for internal use for children under 6 years of age. Use in greater dilution with children over 6 years old. 
Not for people with epilepsy.  

Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for 12 hours after topical use.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Can cause extreme skin irritation. DILUTE WELL
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

May irritate the skin so it needs to be well diluted. 
Do not apply to or near the face of infants or children. This oil can cause breathing problems in young children when applied to or near the face. 
Cajuput may neutralize homeopathic remedies. 

Do not apply to or near the face of infants or children. This oil can cause breathing problems in young children when applied to or near the face. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

May interfere with gestation. Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding. 

Use with caution during pregnancy.
Dilute well before applying.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding. 
Repeated use can cause contact sensitization. Can cause EXTREME skin irritation. 
Use sparingly in diffuser; extended inhalation may result in irritation to nasal membranes. 
Do not take orally if you are taking medications for diabetes, anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. 

May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 
Dilute well before applying.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.  
Repeated use can result in extreme contact sensitization. 
Can irritate sensitive skin. 
Inhaling citronella can increase the heart rate.

May irritate the skin if used undiluted. 
Not intended for use on babies. 
Use with caution during pregnancy. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.  

Do not take orally if you use medications that contain pethidine, MAOIs or SSRIs or anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. 
Use caution when applying to hypersensitive or diseased or damaged skin. 
Do not use topically on children under 2 years of age. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for those 6 years and older. 
May inhibit blood clotting. 
Repeated use can result in extreme contact sensitization. 
Use with caution during pregnancy.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.
Use sparingly as coriander can be harmful in large doses. 

Use with caution during pregnancy.
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Do not take orally if you are on medications for diabetes. 
If this oil has oxidized, avoid using it. Avoid oxidation by storing in cool, dark place. 
Use with caution if susceptible to epilepsy. 

Not intended for small children. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Avoid using this oil with homeopathic remedies. 
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 10. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children) 

Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 10. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children).   
Avoid using this oil with homeopathic remedies. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 
Use with caution if susceptible to epilepsy.  
Use with caution during pregnancy.  
Avoid using if diagnosed with estrogen dependent cancer, endometriosis, or clotting disorder.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Dilute before applying to skin. 
Do not take orally if you take medications for diabetes or drugs metabolized by CYP2B6. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 
Not intended for children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old. 

Dilute before applying to skin. 
Do not take orally if you take medications for diabetes or drugs metabolized by CYP2B6. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 
Not intended for children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Use with caution during pregnancy.   
May interact with analgesic, anti arrhythmic, antipsychotic, and antidepressant medications.  medications
Can irritate sensitive skin.   

Use this oil with caution if on blood thinners, have fragile skin or blood vessels, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders.
Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
"Based on the IC50 values for CYP2A4 inhibition and the concentrations of pergamottin and pergapten in grapefruit oil, it is not at all likely to cause drug interactions" (Tisserand). This means that the chances of this oil interacting with medications are minimal.
There is a low risk of photoxicity. Avoid direct sunlight for 12 hours after application. 
May cause skin sensitization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator.   

Avoid using with liver and kidney disease. 
Avoid using while pregnant.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

No known issues.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for a minimum of 12 hours after application. 
Can cause extreme skin irritation. 

Repeated use may result in contact sensitization.

The usage of this oil should be restricted while pregnant and breastfeeding. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.
Not suitable for use on babies under 2. 
May interact with analgesic,anticonvulsant, and antidepressant, some chemotherapy medications.  

The Lime essential oil that Selah carries is NOT phototoxic because it is steam-distilled. Only those citrus oils that are cold-pressed from the rind of the fruit are considered to be phototoxic, and you should avoid sunlight for at least 12 hours after application to exposed skin. 
If oil is oxidized, it could cause skin irritation.

Marjoram essential oil is contraindicated for asthma.   
Marjoram should not be used unless you know the scientific name. There is an oil that is of the Spanish origin that can be harmful to those who use it. The Selah Marjoram essential oil is not the Spanish origin.   
Not intended for internal consumption in children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Avoid using if pregnant or breastfeeding. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after topical use.

Contraindicated for asthma. (Avoid using with asthma).
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding. 
Oregano is a very "hot" oil.  This means that it has an irritating, uncomfortable effect when it comes in contact with the skin. To avoid any discomfort, be sure to dilute this essential oil VERY well with a carrier. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Do not use patchouli in cases of anorexia or with elderly people who have lost their appetite as it can reduce appetite. 
May inhibit blood clotting.

Peppermint oil will antidote Homeopathic remedies.  Use caution when combining oils with homeopathy. 
Use with caution if dealing with high blood pressure or cardiac fibrillation. 
Some professionals recommend that peppermint not be used by pregnant women. However, Tisserand and Price both categorize peppermint as ok. After contacting Mr. Tisserand and asking his opinion regarding peppermint essential oil and pregnancy, this was his reply: “I have always believed that if peppermint oil was risky in pregnancy there would need to be warnings on peppermint-flavored gum and candy. There is evidence that menthol is safe in pregnancy (p 592 of my book) and there's none that I am aware of that either menthol or peppermint poses any risk.” 
Use with caution during breastfeed as it may reduce milk supply.
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children or other inhalation methods under the age of 6. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children)

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.
Repeated use can possibly result in skin irritation. 
May cause skin sensitization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator.   

This oil may antidote homeopathic remedies. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.
May cause skin sensitization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 10. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children)   
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
This oil can irritate the skin. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Avoid using this oil during pregnancy. 
Not for use by people with epilepsy.
Contraindicated for asthma
Avoid if dealing with high blood pressure. 
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 2. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children)   

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. 
Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Not for use with babies. 
Spearmint can antidote homeopathic remedies.  Please use caution using oils and homeopathy together. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Tea Tree is known to antidote homeopathic remedies.  Please use caution when using Homeopathy with oils. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 
May cause skin sensitization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
This oil is SAFE to use on skin and children. 
Only THYME LINALOOL can be used while pregnant; other varieties of this oil should be avoided while pregnant. 
Use this oil with caution when dealing with high blood pressure. 

Use with caution during pregnancy.  

Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization. 
Do not use on children under the age of 2. 

Silver Fir:
Always dilute before topical application.
Can be irritating if oil is oxidized. To avoid oxidation, store in refrigerator.

Black Spruce:
Always dilute before topical application.
Can be irritating if oil is oxidized. To avoid oxidation, store in refrigerator.

Ylang ylang:
Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization.
Do not use on children under the age of 2.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.
Repeated use can possibly result in skin irritation. 
May cause skin sensitization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator.
Use with caution during pregnancy. 

Angelica Root: 
This oil is phototoxic. Dilute to avoid phototoxicity. Suggested maximum dermal level: .08% If you use more than this amount, avoid sunlight for a minimum of 12 hours. 

Avoid using with liver and kidney disease. 
Avoid using while pregnant.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

Do not take orally if you use medications that contain pethidine, MAOIs or SSRIs or anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. 
Use caution when applying to hypersensitive or diseased or damaged skin. 
Do not use topically on children under 2 years of age. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for those 6 years and older. 
May inhibit blood clotting. 
Repeated use can result in extreme contact sensitization. 
Use with caution during pregnancy.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for a minimum of 12 hours after application. 
Can cause extreme skin irritation.

Dilute well before applying.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding. 
Repeated use can cause contact sensitization. Can cause EXTREME skin irritation. 
Use sparingly in diffuser; extended inhalation may result in irritation to nasal membranes. 
Do not take orally if you are taking medications for diabetes, anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. 

Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 10. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children).   
Avoid using this oil with homeopathic remedies. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Avoid using this oil during pregnancy. 
Not for use by people with epilepsy.
Contraindicated for asthma
Avoid if dealing with high blood pressure. 
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 2. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children)

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Avoid using this oil during pregnancy. 
Not for use by people with epilepsy.
Contraindicated for asthma
Avoid if dealing with high blood pressure. 
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 2. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children) 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
This oil is SAFE to use on skin and children. 
Only THYME LINALOOL can be used while pregnant; other varieties of this oil should be avoided while pregnant. 
Use this oil with caution when dealing with high blood pressure. 

Do not take orally if you use medications that contain pethidine, MAOIs or SSRIs or anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. 
Use caution when applying to hypersensitive or diseased or damaged skin. 
Do not use topically on children under 2 years of age. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for those 6 years and older. 
May inhibit blood clotting. 
Repeated use can result in extreme contact sensitization. 
Use with caution during pregnancy.

Dilute well before applying.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding. 
Repeated use can cause contact sensitization. Can cause EXTREME skin irritation. 
Use sparingly in diffuser; extended inhalation may result in irritation to nasal membranes. 
Do not take orally if you are taking medications for diabetes, anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. 

Avoid using this internally if on diabetic medication.
No known issues.
Not intended for small children. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Avoid using this oil with homeopathic remedies. 
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 10. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children) 

Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 10. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children).   
Avoid using this oil with homeopathic remedies. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization.  

Peppermint oil will antidote Homeopathic remedies.  Use caution when combining oils with homeopathy. 
Use with caution if dealing with high blood pressure or cardiac fibrillation. 
Some professionals recommend that peppermint not be used by pregnant women. However, Tisserand and Price both categorize peppermint as ok. After contacting Mr. Tisserand and asking his opinion regarding peppermint essential oil and pregnancy, this was his reply: “I have always believed that if peppermint oil was risky in pregnancy there would need to be warnings on peppermint-flavored gum and candy. There is evidence that menthol is safe in pregnancy (p 592 of my book) and there's none that I am aware of that either menthol or peppermint poses any risk.” 
Use with caution during breastfeed as it may reduce milk supply.
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children or other inhalation methods under the age of 6. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children) 

Use with caution during pregnancy.
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Laurel Leaf:
Avoid using this oil on damaged, diseased or hypersensitive skin.
Avoid using on children under 2 years of age.
Repeated use may cause skin sensitization.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

This oil could interact with diabetic medication if taken orally. 
No known issues.
Not intended for small children. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Avoid using this oil with homeopathic remedies. 
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 10. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children) 

Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 10. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children).   
Avoid using this oil with homeopathic remedies. 

Repeated use may result in contact sensitization.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.
Repeated use can possibly result in skin irritation. 

Use with caution during pregnancy.
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Peppermint oil will antidote Homeopathic remedies.  Use caution when combining oils with homeopathy. 
Use with caution if dealing with high blood pressure or cardiac fibrillation. 
Some professionals recommend that peppermint not be used by pregnant women. However, Tisserand and Price both categorize peppermint as ok. After contacting Mr. Tisserand and asking his opinion regarding peppermint essential oil and pregnancy, this was his reply: “I have always believed that if peppermint oil was risky in pregnancy there would need to be warnings on peppermint-flavored gum and candy. There is evidence that menthol is safe in pregnancy (p 592 of my book) and there's none that I am aware of that either menthol or peppermint poses any risk.” 
Use with caution during breastfeed as it may reduce milk supply.
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children or other inhalation methods under the age of 6. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children) 

This oil is contraindicated for asthma.   
It should not be used unless you know the scientific name. There is an oil that is of the Spanish origin that can be harmful to those who use it. The Selah Marjoram essential oil is not the Spanish origin.   
Not intended for internal consumption in children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old.

Black Spruce:
Always dilute before topical application.
Can be irritating if oil is oxidized. To avoid oxidation, store in refrigerator.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Not for use with babies. 
Spearmint can antidote homeopathic remedies.  Please use caution using oils and homeopathy together. 

This oil could interact with diabetic medication if taken orally. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Avoid using this oil during pregnancy.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Use with caution during pregnancy.   
Can irritate sensitive skin.   

Dilute before applying to skin. 
Do not take orally if you take medications for diabetes or drugs metabolized by CYP2B6. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 
Not intended for children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old.

Dalmatian Sage:
Do NOT use this oil internally. 
Avoid using if pregnant or breastfeeding.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

Dilute before applying to skin. 
Do not take orally if you take medications for diabetes or drugs metabolized by CYP2B6. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 
Not intended for children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after topical use.

Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization. 
Do not use on children under the age of 2. 

May cause skin irritation if used undiluted.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

May irritate the skin if used undiluted. 
Not intended for use on babies. 
Use with caution during pregnancy. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.  

Spanish Sage:
Avoid using while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Idaho Tansy:
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Avoid using this oil internally.

Use with caution during pregnancy.  

Jasmine Grand:
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Dilute to avoid skin irritation.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after topical use.

If this oil is oxidized, it can cause contact sensitization.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after topical use.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
"Based on the IC50 values for CYP2A4 inhibition and the concentrations of pergamottin and pergapten in grapefruit oil, it is not at all likely to cause drug interactions" (Tisserand). This means that the chances of this oil interacting with medications are minimal.
There is a low risk of photoxicity. Avoid direct sunlight for 12 hours after application. 
May cause skin sensitization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator.   

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for a minimum of 12 hours after application. 
Can cause extreme skin irritation. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for a minimum of 12 hours after application. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Not for use with babies. 
Spearmint can antidote homeopathic remedies.  Please use caution using oils and homeopathy together. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Avoid using this oil during pregnancy. 
Not for use by people with epilepsy.
Contraindicated for asthma
Avoid if dealing with high blood pressure. 
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 2. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children)

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Tea Tree is known to antidote homeopathic remedies.  Please use caution when using Homeopathy with oils. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 

Do not take orally if you use medications that contain pethidine, MAOIs or SSRIs or anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. 
Use caution when applying to hypersensitive or diseased or damaged skin. 
Do not use topically on children under 2 years of age. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for those 6 years and older. 
May inhibit blood clotting. 
Repeated use can result in extreme contact sensitization. 
Use with caution during pregnancy.

Do not apply on or near the face of infants or children. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution or children over 6 years of age. 
Not recommended for internal use with people who have inflammatory disease in the GI Tract or bile ducts or severe liver disease.

No known hazards

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.  
Repeated use can result in extreme contact sensitization. 
Can irritate sensitive skin. 
Inhaling citronella can increase the heart rate.

The usage of this oil should be restricted while pregnant and breastfeeding. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

Avoid if you are on anticoagulants, have hemophilia, or are undergoing surgery. May inhibit clotting. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Avoid using this oil during pregnancy. 
Not for use by people with epilepsy.
Contraindicated for asthma
Avoid if dealing with high blood pressure. 
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 2. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children)

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Tea Tree is known to antidote homeopathic remedies.  Please use caution when using Homeopathy with oils. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 

This oil could interact with diabetic medication if taken orally. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Black Spruce:
Always dilute before topical application.
Can be irritating if oil is oxidized. To avoid oxidation, store in refrigerator.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Avoid using with liver and kidney disease. 
Avoid using while pregnant.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

Can be irritating if oil is oxidized. To avoid oxidation, store in refrigerator.

May interact with antidepressant medication

Thyme (Thymol):
May inhibit blood clotting.Use caution if taking anticoagulants, diagnosed with hemophilia or are undergoing surgery, ulcers or other bleeding disorders. 
Contraindicated for those with liver or kidney disorders.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.
May irritate mucous membranes. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Tea Tree is known to antidote homeopathic remedies.  Please use caution when using Homeopathy with oils. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 

Moroccan Tansy:
May interact with antidepressant medication
Contraindicated for asthma. (Avoid using with asthma).
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding. 
Oregano is a very "hot" oil.  This means that it has an irritating, uncomfortable effect when it comes in contact with the skin. To avoid any discomfort, be sure to dilute this essential oil VERY well with a carrier. 

Not intended for internal use for children under 6 years of age. Use in greater dilution with children over 6 years old. 
Not for people with epilepsy.  

Use with caution during pregnancy.
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Do not use this oil if you are taking anticoagulant medication, facing surgery, suffer from hemophilia or other bleeding disorders. 
Should not be used on children. 
Avoid using while pregnant or breastfeeding
Contraindicated for GERD. 
Do not use internally.
Marjoram essential oil is contraindicated for asthma.   
Marjoram should not be used unless you know the scientific name. There is an oil that is of the Spanish origin that can be harmful to those who use it. The Selah Marjoram essential oil is not the Spanish origin.   
Not intended for internal consumption in children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old.

Peppermint oil will antidote Homeopathic remedies.  Use caution when combining oils with homeopathy. 
Use with caution if dealing with high blood pressure or cardiac fibrillation. 
Some professionals recommend that peppermint not be used by pregnant women. However, Tisserand and Price both categorize peppermint as ok. After contacting Mr. Tisserand and asking his opinion regarding peppermint essential oil and pregnancy, this was his reply: “I have always believed that if peppermint oil was risky in pregnancy there would need to be warnings on peppermint-flavored gum and candy. There is evidence that menthol is safe in pregnancy (p 592 of my book) and there's none that I am aware of that either menthol or peppermint poses any risk.” 
Use with caution during breastfeed as it may reduce milk supply.
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children or other inhalation methods under the age of 6. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children) 

No known issues. 
Do not use this oil if you are taking anticoagulant medication, facing surgery, suffer from hemophilia or other bleeding disorders. 
Should not be used on children. 
Avoid using while pregnant or breastfeeding
Contraindicated for GERD. 
Do not use internally.
Peppermint oil will antidote Homeopathic remedies.  Use caution when combining oils with homeopathy. 
Use with caution if dealing with high blood pressure or cardiac fibrillation. 
Some professionals recommend that peppermint not be used by pregnant women. However, Tisserand and Price both categorize peppermint as ok. After contacting Mr. Tisserand and asking his opinion regarding peppermint essential oil and pregnancy, this was his reply: “I have always believed that if peppermint oil was risky in pregnancy there would need to be warnings on peppermint-flavored gum and candy. There is evidence that menthol is safe in pregnancy (p 592 of my book) and there's none that I am aware of that either menthol or peppermint poses any risk.” 
Use with caution during breastfeed as it may reduce milk supply.
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children or other inhalation methods under the age of 6. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children)

Do not take orally if you use medications that contain pethidine, MAOIs or SSRIs or anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. 
Use caution when applying to hypersensitive or diseased or damaged skin. 
Do not use topically on children under 2 years of age. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for those 6 years and older. 
May inhibit blood clotting. 
Repeated use can result in extreme contact sensitization. 
Use with caution during pregnancy.

May irritate the skin if used undiluted. 
Not intended for use on babies. 
Use with caution during pregnancy. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.  

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
This oil can irritate the skin. 

Idaho Tansy:
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Avoid using this oil internally.

Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization. 
Do not use on children under the age of 2. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

May cause skin irritation if used undiluted.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Avoid using this oil internally if you take medication for diabetes. 
Use with caution during pregnancy.
Use with caution on sensitive, damaged, or diseased skin.

Use with caution during pregnancy.

Use with caution during pregnancy.
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

May irritate the skin if used undiluted. 
Not intended for use on babies. 
Use with caution during pregnancy. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.  

Do not use this oil if you are taking anticoagulant medication, facing surgery, suffer from hemophilia or other bleeding disorders. 
Should not be used on children. 
Avoid using while pregnant or breastfeeding
Contraindicated for GERD. 
Do not use internally.

May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
This oil can irritate the skin. 

Idaho Tansy:
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Avoid using this oil internally.

Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization. 
Do not use on children under the age of 2.

Dalmatian Sage:
Avoid using in oral doses.
Avoid using while pregnant or breastfeeding. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 
Use with caution if susceptible to epilepsy.  
Use with caution during pregnancy.  
Avoid using if diagnosed with estrogen dependent cancer, endometriosis, or clotting disorder.

No known issues.

This oil could interact with diabetic medication if taken orally. 

Blue Yarrow:
May interact with antidepressant medication

Peppermint oil will antidote Homeopathic remedies.  Use caution when combining oils with homeopathy. 
Use with caution if dealing with high blood pressure or cardiac fibrillation. 
Some professionals recommend that peppermint not be used by pregnant women. However, Tisserand and Price both categorize peppermint as ok. After contacting Mr. Tisserand and asking his opinion regarding peppermint essential oil and pregnancy, this was his reply: “I have always believed that if peppermint oil was risky in pregnancy there would need to be warnings on peppermint-flavored gum and candy. There is evidence that menthol is safe in pregnancy (p 592 of my book) and there's none that I am aware of that either menthol or peppermint poses any risk.” 
Use with caution during breastfeed as it may reduce milk supply.
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children or other inhalation methods under the age of 6. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children) 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Peppermint oil will antidote Homeopathic remedies.  Use caution when combining oils with homeopathy. 
Use with caution if dealing with high blood pressure or cardiac fibrillation. 
Some professionals recommend that peppermint not be used by pregnant women. However, Tisserand and Price both categorize peppermint as ok. After contacting Mr. Tisserand and asking his opinion regarding peppermint essential oil and pregnancy, this was his reply: “I have always believed that if peppermint oil was risky in pregnancy there would need to be warnings on peppermint-flavored gum and candy. There is evidence that menthol is safe in pregnancy (p 592 of my book) and there's none that I am aware of that either menthol or peppermint poses any risk.” 
Use with caution during breastfeed as it may reduce milk supply.
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children or other inhalation methods under the age of 6. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children)  

Not intended for internal use for children under 6 years of age. Use in greater dilution with children over 6 years old. 
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 
Can irritate sensitive skin.

Do not take orally if you use medications that contain pethidine, MAOIs or SSRIs or anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. 
Use caution when applying to hypersensitive or diseased or damaged skin. 
Do not use topically on children under 2 years of age. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for those 6 years and older. 
May inhibit blood clotting. 
Repeated use can result in extreme contact sensitization. 
Use with caution during pregnancy.

Use with caution during pregnancy.  

Do not use this oil if you are taking anticoagulant medication, facing surgery, suffer from hemophilia or other bleeding disorders. 
Should not be used on children. 
Avoid using while pregnant or breastfeeding
Contraindicated for GERD. 
Do not use internally.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for a minimum of 12 hours after application. 
Can cause extreme skin irritation. 

May irritate the skin if used undiluted. 
Not intended for use on babies. 
Use with caution during pregnancy. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.  

May cause skin sensitization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
This oil can irritate the skin. 

Idaho Tansy:
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Avoid using this oil internally.

Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization. 
Do not use on children under the age of 2. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 

Palo Santo:
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

This oil is NOT phototoxic because it is steam-distilled. Only those citrus oils that are cold-pressed from the rind of the fruit are considered to be phototoxic.
If oil is oxidized, it could cause skin irritation.

Combava Petitgrain:
No known issues.

If this oil is oxidized, it can cause contact sensitization.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after topical use.

Black Spruce:
Always dilute before topical application.
Can be irritating if oil is oxidized. To avoid oxidation, store in refrigerator.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 

No known issues. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after topical use.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. 
Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

Use with caution during pregnancy.

Dilute before applying to skin. 
Do not take orally if you take medications for diabetes or drugs metabolized by CYP2B6. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 
Not intended for children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old. 

Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization. 
Do not use on children under the age of 2. 

Blue Tansy:
May interact with antidepressant medication

Cinnamon Leaf:
May inhibit blood clotting. 
May interact with antidepressant medications.
Avoid using if you take anticoagulant medication, face major surgery, or suffer from peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders.
May cause irritation to mucous membranes
May be irritating to the skin.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

No known issues.
May irritate the skin if used undiluted. 
Not intended for use on babies. 
Use with caution during pregnancy. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.  

May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
This oil can irritate the skin. 

Do not use this oil if you are taking anticoagulant medication, facing surgery, suffer from hemophilia or other bleeding disorders. 
Should not be used on children. 
Avoid using while pregnant or breastfeeding
Contraindicated for GERD. 
Do not use internally.

Idaho Tansy:
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Avoid using this oil internally.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Do not use patchouli in cases of anorexia or with elderly people who have lost their appetite as it can reduce appetite. 
May inhibit blood clotting.

Mandarin Red:
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after topical use.

May cause skin irritation if use undiluted
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

No known issues

May irritate the skin if used undiluted. 
Not intended for use on babies. 
Use with caution during pregnancy. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.  

May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
This oil can irritate the skin. 

Do not use this oil if you are taking anticoagulant medication, facing surgery, suffer from hemophilia or other bleeding disorders. 
Should not be used on children. 
Avoid using while pregnant or breastfeeding
Contraindicated for GERD. 
Do not use internally.

Idaho Tansy:
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Avoid using this oil internally.

Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization. 
Do not use on children under the age of 2. 

Use with caution during pregnancy.
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
"Based on the IC50 values for CYP2A4 inhibition and the concentrations of pergamottin and pergapten in grapefruit oil, it is not at all likely to cause drug interactions" (Tisserand). This means that the chances of this oil interacting with medications are minimal.
There is a low risk of photoxicity. Avoid direct sunlight for 12 hours after application. 
May cause skin sensitization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator.   

May irritate the skin if used undiluted. 
Not intended for use on babies. 
Use with caution during pregnancy. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.  

Dilute before applying to skin. 
Do not take orally if you take medications for diabetes or drugs metabolized by CYP2B6. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 
Not intended for children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old. 

Avoid using this oil during pregnancy.

Not intended for children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old. May be sensitizing to the skin. 

This oil may antidote homeopathic remedies. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.
May cause skin sensitization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 10. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children)   

Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 10. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children).   
Avoid using this oil with homeopathic remedies. 

Peppermint oil will antidote Homeopathic remedies.  Use caution when combining oils with homeopathy. 
Use with caution if dealing with high blood pressure or cardiac fibrillation. 
Some professionals recommend that peppermint not be used by pregnant women. However, Tisserand and Price both categorize peppermint as ok. After contacting Mr. Tisserand and asking his opinion regarding peppermint essential oil and pregnancy, this was his reply: “I have always believed that if peppermint oil was risky in pregnancy there would need to be warnings on peppermint-flavored gum and candy. There is evidence that menthol is safe in pregnancy (p 592 of my book) and there's none that I am aware of that either menthol or peppermint poses any risk.” 
Use with caution during breastfeed as it may reduce milk supply.
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children or other inhalation methods under the age of 6. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children) 

Do not use this oil if you are taking anticoagulant medication, facing surgery, suffer from hemophilia or other bleeding disorders. 
Should not be used on children. 
Avoid using while pregnant or breastfeeding
Contraindicated for GERD. 
Do not use internally.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for a minimum of 12 hours after application. 
Can cause extreme skin irritation. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

No known issues.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
This oil can irritate the skin. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Do not use patchouli in cases of anorexia or with elderly people who have lost their appetite as it can reduce appetite. 
May inhibit blood clotting.

Not intended for internal use for children under 6 years of age. Use in greater dilution with children over 6 years old. 
Not for people with epilepsy.  

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for a minimum of 12 hours after application. 
Can cause extreme skin irritation. 

Dilute well before applying.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding. 
Repeated use can cause contact sensitization. Can cause EXTREME skin irritation. 
Use sparingly in diffuser; extended inhalation may result in irritation to nasal membranes. 
Do not take orally if you are taking medications for diabetes, anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. 

Do not take orally if you use medications that contain pethidine, MAOIs or SSRIs or anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. 
Use caution when applying to hypersensitive or diseased or damaged skin. 
Do not use topically on children under 2 years of age. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for those 6 years and older. 
May inhibit blood clotting. 
Repeated use can result in extreme contact sensitization. 
Use with caution during pregnancy.

Not intended for small children. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Avoid using this oil with homeopathic remedies. 
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 10. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children) 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Avoid using this oil during pregnancy. 
Not for use by people with epilepsy.
Contraindicated for asthma
Avoid if dealing with high blood pressure. 
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 2. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children) 

May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 
Dilute well before applying.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

No known issues.

Contraindicated for asthma. (Avoid using with asthma).
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding. 
Oregano is a very "hot" oil.  This means that it has an irritating, uncomfortable effect when it comes in contact with the skin. To avoid any discomfort, be sure to dilute this essential oil VERY well with a carrier. 

Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for 12 hours after topical use.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Idaho Tansy:
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Avoid using this oil internally.

Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization. 
Do not use on children under the age of 2. 

Not intended for children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old. May be sensitizing to the skin. 

Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for 12 hours after topical use.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Mandarin Red:
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after topical use.

Jasmine Absolute:
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Dilute to avoid skin irritation.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for a minimum of 12 hours after application. 
Can cause extreme skin irritation. 

Dilute before applying to skin. 
Do not take orally if you take medications for diabetes or drugs metabolized by CYP2B6. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 
Not intended for children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old. 

Possible drug interactions: Stimulants, reverse transcriptase inhibitors, estrogen receptor antagonists, chemo-therapeutic drugs, anti-depressants, anticonvulsants, anesthesia, and analgesics.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
This oil can irritate the skin. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. 
Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
"Based on the IC50 values for CYP2A4 inhibition and the concentrations of pergamottin and pergapten in grapefruit oil, it is not at all likely to cause drug interactions" (Tisserand). This means that the chances of this oil interacting with medications are minimal.
There is a low risk of photoxicity. Avoid direct sunlight for 12 hours after application. 
May cause skin sensitization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator.   

May irritate the skin if used undiluted. 
Not intended for use on babies. 
Use with caution during pregnancy. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.  

May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
This oil can irritate the skin. 

Do not use this oil if you are taking anticoagulant medication, facing surgery, suffer from hemophilia or other bleeding disorders. 
Should not be used on children. 
Avoid using while pregnant or breastfeeding
Contraindicated for GERD. 
Do not use internally.

Idaho Tansy:
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Avoid using this oil internally.

Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization. 
Do not use on children under the age of 2. 

Celery Seed:
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.  

No known issues.

No known issues.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Not for use with babies. 
Spearmint can antidote homeopathic remedies.  Please use caution using oils and homeopathy together. 

Dilute before applying to skin. 
Do not take orally if you take medications for diabetes or drugs metabolized by CYP2B6. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 
Not intended for children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old. 

May irritate the skin if used undiluted. 
Not intended for use on babies. 
Use with caution during pregnancy. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.  

May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
This oil can irritate the skin. 

Do not use this oil if you are taking anticoagulant medication, facing surgery, suffer from hemophilia or other bleeding disorders. 
Should not be used on children. 
Avoid using while pregnant or breastfeeding
Contraindicated for GERD. 
Do not use internally.

Idaho Tansy:
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Avoid using this oil internally.

Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization. 
Do not use on children under the age of 2. 

Marjoram essential oil is contraindicated for asthma.   
Marjoram should not be used unless you know the scientific name. There is an oil that is of the Spanish origin that can be harmful to those who use it. The Selah Marjoram essential oil is not the Spanish origin.   
Not intended for internal consumption in children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old.

Use with caution during pregnancy.
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Dilute before applying to skin. 
Do not take orally if you take medications for diabetes or drugs metabolized by CYP2B6. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 
Not intended for children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old. 

No known issues. 

Not intended for children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old. May be sensitizing to the skin. 

Blue Tansy: 
May interact with antidepressant medication

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after topical use.

Use with caution during pregnancy.

Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization. 
Do not use on children under the age of 2. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

No known issues. 

May cause skin sensitization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Avoid using if pregnant or breastfeeding. 

No known issues. 

No known issues.

Use with caution during pregnancy.

Not intended for children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old. May be sensitizing to the skin. 

Dilute well before applying.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding. 
Repeated use can cause contact sensitization. Can cause EXTREME skin irritation. 
Use sparingly in diffuser; extended inhalation may result in irritation to nasal membranes. 
Do not take orally if you are taking medications for diabetes, anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. 

Use with caution during pregnancy.

No known issues. 

Black Spruce:
Always dilute before topical application.
Can be irritating if oil is oxidized. To avoid oxidation, store in refrigerator.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. 
Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

Blue Tansy:
May interact with antidepressant medication

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization. 
Do not use on children under the age of 2. 

Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for 12 hours after topical use.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after topical use.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for a minimum of 12 hours after application. 
Can cause extreme skin irritation. 

Dilute before applying to skin. 
Do not take orally if you take medications for diabetes or drugs metabolized by CYP2B6. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 
Not intended for children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old. 

Possible drug interactions: Stimulants, reverse transcriptase inhibitors, estrogen receptor antagonists, chemo-therapeutic drugs, anti-depressants, anticonvulsants, anesthesia, and analgesics.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
This oil can irritate the skin. 

Jasmine Absolute:
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Dilute to avoid skin irritation.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Tea Tree is known to antidote homeopathic remedies.  Please use caution when using Homeopathy with oils. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 

The usage of this oil should be restricted while pregnant and breastfeeding. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.
Not suitable for use on babies under 2. 
May interact with analgesic,anticonvulsant, and antidepressant, some chemotherapy medications.  

Do not take orally if you use medications that contain pethidine, MAOIs or SSRIs or anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. 
Use caution when applying to hypersensitive or diseased or damaged skin. 
Do not use topically on children under 2 years of age. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for those 6 years and older. 
May inhibit blood clotting. 
Repeated use can result in extreme contact sensitization. 
Use with caution during pregnancy.

No known issues. 

Dilute before applying to skin. 
Do not take orally if you take medications for diabetes or drugs metabolized by CYP2B6. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 
Not intended for children under 6 years old; use with caution and greater dilution in children over 6 years old. 

May irritate the skin if used undiluted. 
Not intended for use on babies. 
Use with caution during pregnancy. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.  

Do not use this oil if you are taking anticoagulant medication, facing surgery, suffer from hemophilia or other bleeding disorders. 
Should not be used on children. 
Avoid using while pregnant or breastfeeding
Contraindicated for GERD. 
Do not use internally.

May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
This oil can irritate the skin. 

Idaho Tansy:
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Avoid using this oil internally.

Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization. 
Do not use on children under the age of 2.

Use with caution during pregnancy.
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

Avoid using with liver and kidney disease. 
Avoid using while pregnant.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

Peppermint oil will antidote Homeopathic remedies.  Use caution when combining oils with homeopathy. 
Use with caution if dealing with high blood pressure or cardiac fibrillation. 
Some professionals recommend that peppermint not be used by pregnant women. However, Tisserand and Price both categorize peppermint as ok. After contacting Mr. Tisserand and asking his opinion regarding peppermint essential oil and pregnancy, this was his reply: “I have always believed that if peppermint oil was risky in pregnancy there would need to be warnings on peppermint-flavored gum and candy. There is evidence that menthol is safe in pregnancy (p 592 of my book) and there's none that I am aware of that either menthol or peppermint poses any risk.” 
Use with caution during breastfeed as it may reduce milk supply.
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children or other inhalation methods under the age of 6. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children) 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Avoid using this oil during pregnancy. 
Not for use by people with epilepsy.
Contraindicated for asthma
Avoid if dealing with high blood pressure. 
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children under the age of 2. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children)   

Avoid using with liver and kidney disease. 
Avoid using while pregnant.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

The usage of this oil should be restricted while pregnant and breastfeeding. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.
Not suitable for use on babies under 2. 
May interact with analgesic,anticonvulsant, and antidepressant, some chemotherapy medications.  

Avoid using this oil during pregnancy.

Not intended for internal use for children under 6 years of age. Use in greater dilution with children over 6 years old. 
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 
Can irritate sensitive skin.

Do not take orally if you use medications that contain pethidine, MAOIs or SSRIs or anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. 
Use caution when applying to hypersensitive or diseased or damaged skin. 
Do not use topically on children under 2 years of age. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for those 6 years and older. 
May inhibit blood clotting. 
Repeated use can result in extreme contact sensitization. 
Use with caution during pregnancy.

Can cause extreme skin irritation. DILUTE WELL
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Clary Sage:
May irritate the skin if used undiluted. 
Not intended for use on babies. 
Use with caution during pregnancy. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.  

Peppermint oil will antidote Homeopathic remedies.  Use caution when combining oils with homeopathy. 
Use with caution if dealing with high blood pressure or cardiac fibrillation. 
Some professionals recommend that peppermint not be used by pregnant women. However, Tisserand and Price both categorize peppermint as ok. After contacting Mr. Tisserand and asking his opinion regarding peppermint essential oil and pregnancy, this was his reply: “I have always believed that if peppermint oil was risky in pregnancy there would need to be warnings on peppermint-flavored gum and candy. There is evidence that menthol is safe in pregnancy (p 592 of my book) and there's none that I am aware of that either menthol or peppermint poses any risk.” 
Use with caution during breastfeed as it may reduce milk supply.
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children or other inhalation methods under the age of 6. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children) 

Sage Lavender:
Avoid using when pregnant or breastfeeding.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 
Use with caution if susceptible to epilepsy.  
Use with caution during pregnancy.  
Avoid using if diagnosed with estrogen dependent cancer, endometriosis, or clotting disorder.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 
Dilute well before applying.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 

No known issues.

Contraindicated for asthma. (Avoid using with asthma).
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding. 
Oregano is a very "hot" oil.  This means that it has an irritating, uncomfortable effect when it comes in contact with the skin. To avoid any discomfort, be sure to dilute this essential oil VERY well with a carrier. 

Do not take orally if you use medications that contain pethidine, MAOIs or SSRIs or anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. 
Use caution when applying to hypersensitive or diseased or damaged skin. 
Do not use topically on children under 2 years of age. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for those 6 years and older. 
May inhibit blood clotting. 
Repeated use can result in extreme contact sensitization. 
Use with caution during pregnancy.

Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for 12 hours after topical use.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Idaho Tansy:
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Avoid using this oil internally.

If this oil is oxidized, it can cause contact sensitization.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after topical use.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after topical use.

Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization. 
Do not use on children under the age of 2. 

Blue Tansy:
May interact with antidepressant medication

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Do not use patchouli in cases of anorexia or with elderly people who have lost their appetite as it can reduce appetite. 
May inhibit blood clotting.

Mandarin Red:
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Photosensitive: Avoid direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after topical use.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

May cause skin irruptation if use undiluted
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.
Tea Tree:
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Tea Tree is known to antidote homeopathic remedies.  Please use caution when using Homeopathy with oils. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 

No known issues. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
This oil can irritate the skin. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Do not use patchouli in cases of anorexia or with elderly people who have lost their appetite as it can reduce appetite. 
May inhibit blood clotting.

No known issues.

Do not apply on or near the face of infants or children. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution or children over 6 years of age. 
Not recommended for internal use with people who have inflammatory disease in the GI Tract or bile ducts or severe liver disease.

This oil is NOT phototoxic because it is steam-distilled. Only those citrus oils that are cold-pressed from the rind of the fruit are considered to be phototoxic.
If oil is oxidized, it could cause skin irritation.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 

Use with caution during pregnancy.

Cinnamon Leaf:
May inhibit blood clotting. 
May interact with antidepressant medications.
Avoid using if you take anticoagulant medication, face major surgery, or suffer from peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders.
May cause irritation to mucous membranes
May be irritating to the skin.

No known issues. 

Vanilla Absolute:
No known issues.

May cause skin irruptation if use undiluted
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
This oil can irritate the skin. 

No known issues. 

Blue Tansy:
May interact with antidepressant medication

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Peppermint oil will antidote Homeopathic remedies.  Use caution when combining oils with homeopathy. 
Use with caution if dealing with high blood pressure or cardiac fibrillation. 
Some professionals recommend that peppermint not be used by pregnant women. However, Tisserand and Price both categorize peppermint as ok. After contacting Mr. Tisserand and asking his opinion regarding peppermint essential oil and pregnancy, this was his reply: “I have always believed that if peppermint oil was risky in pregnancy there would need to be warnings on peppermint-flavored gum and candy. There is evidence that menthol is safe in pregnancy (p 592 of my book) and there's none that I am aware of that either menthol or peppermint poses any risk.” 
Use with caution during breastfeed as it may reduce milk supply.
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children or other inhalation methods under the age of 6. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children) 

Do not apply to or near the face of infants or children. This oil can cause breathing problems in young children when applied to or near the face. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Not intended for internal use for children under 6 years of age. Use in greater dilution with children over 6 years old. 
Not for people with epilepsy.  

Use this oil with caution if on blood thinners, have fragile skin or blood vessels, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders.
Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Avoid using with liver and kidney disease. 
Avoid using while pregnant.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Dilute well before applying.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Avoid using this oil while pregnant or breastfeeding. 
Repeated use can cause contact sensitization. Can cause EXTREME skin irritation. 
Use sparingly in diffuser; extended inhalation may result in irritation to nasal membranes. 
Do not take orally if you are taking medications for diabetes, anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. 

The usage of this oil should be restricted while pregnant and breastfeeding. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.
Not suitable for use on babies under 2. 
May interact with analgesic,anticonvulsant, and antidepressant, some chemotherapy medications.  

May inhibit blood clotting.
Use this oil with caution if on blood thinners, have fragile skin or blood vessels, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders.
Should not be taken in oral doses. 

Use this oil with caution if on blood thinners, have fragile skin or blood vessels, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders.
Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 

Peppermint oil will antidote Homeopathic remedies.  Use caution when combining oils with homeopathy. 
Use with caution if dealing with high blood pressure or cardiac fibrillation. 
Some professionals recommend that peppermint not be used by pregnant women. However, Tisserand and Price both categorize peppermint as ok. After contacting Mr. Tisserand and asking his opinion regarding peppermint essential oil and pregnancy, this was his reply: “I have always believed that if peppermint oil was risky in pregnancy there would need to be warnings on peppermint-flavored gum and candy. There is evidence that menthol is safe in pregnancy (p 592 of my book) and there's none that I am aware of that either menthol or peppermint poses any risk.” 
Use with caution during breastfeed as it may reduce milk supply.
Do not apply to or near the face of infants and children or other inhalation methods under the age of 6. (Can cause breathing problems in babies and young children) 

Avoid using with liver and kidney disease. 
Avoid using while pregnant.
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use with greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

Anise oil is potentially carcinogenic based on estragole content. 
May inhibit blood clotting. 
Avoid using if pregnant or breastfeeding. 
Avoid using if you have or have had an estrogen-dependent cancer. 
Avoid using at all on children under 5 years old. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Can irritate sensitive skin and has been known to cause dermatitis in some individuals. 
Use in moderation.
Avoid using this oil orally if you have any of the following medication contraindications: Diabetes medicines, diuretics, renal insufficiency, edematous disorders, anticoagulants, major surgery, peptic ulcers, hemophilia, and other bleeding disorders. 

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.   
Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. 
May cause skin sentization if oxidized. To prevent oxidation, store in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. 
Use with caution if susceptible to epilepsy.  
Use with caution during pregnancy.  
Avoid using if diagnosed with estrogen dependent cancer, endometriosis, or clotting disorder.

The usage of this oil should be restricted while pregnant and breastfeeding. 
Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.
Not suitable for use on babies under 2. 
May interact with analgesic,anticonvulsant, and antidepressant, some chemotherapy medications.  

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age. 
Do not use patchouli in cases of anorexia or with elderly people who have lost their appetite as it can reduce appetite. 
May inhibit blood clotting.

Not intended for consumption with children under 6 years old. Use in greater dilution for children over 6 years of age.

Purchon, Nerys & Cantele, Lora.  The Complete Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Handbook for Everyday Wellness. (2014).
Tisserand, Robert. Essential Oil Safety, Second Edition. (2014).